Thursday, October 25, 2007

yerba mate tea

I went to Kiehl's training class two weeks ago, and they talked about yerba mate products.
my co-workers form south America, said it has so many vitamins and minerals!!
it contains 24 vitamins and minerals (including vitamins A, C, E, B-1, and B-2), 15 amino acids, and 11 polyphenols (powerful anti-oxidants). WOW!
People in South America drink it as tea. it will give you energy, help good digestion and good mood.
One day I was drained and couldn't do anything so the yerba mate tea, oh my god!! it worked amazingly.
I'm totally hooked on.
I got it from organic yerba mate tea bags from GNC and it was only 7 bucks.
I don't need caffeine any more to boost up my energy
gives me gooooood #2, too