Saturday, December 29, 2007

Nobunaga Oda story not taught in a class room

"Oda Nobunaga was born on June 23, 1534, at Nagoya Castle and was given the childhood name of Kippōshi (吉法師?).[1] His mother was Tsuchida Gozen, Nobuhide's wife, making him Nobuhide's first legitimate son; therefore, by the age of two, he became the ruler of Nagoya Castle. Through his childhood and early teenage years, he was well-known for his bizarre behavior and received the name of Owari no Ooutsuke (尾張の大うつけ? The Fool of Owari). With the introduction of firearms into Japan, though, he became known for his fondness of Tanegashima firearms. He was also known to run around with other youths from the area, without any regard to his own ranking in society."by wikipedia

Above is short and basic information of Nobunaga.
I just learned that he was also bi-suxual, too. He was very fond of his mate Ranmaru.
Acutalluy not only Nobunaga, also a lot of bushi(samurai) were bisexual. e.g. Shingen Takeda, Masamune Date.
It says that having a male mate was high-end and noble custom for samurai to have male mate.
This is also called "Shudou"(it wasn't common for other classes of men, e.g. farmers) They found even love letters from Shougun to his boyfriend.
(It might be common sense for who are into history, but i was always asleep during history class...)
Then why now Japanese society is so closed to gay/lesbian people...
I wish they would be more opened to non heterosexual people.

need to find something hip?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

tokyo style peds

i hate to call them peds, but all my co-workers call them peds...
anyway, i've been hooked on them years~
they are so cute, and keep your feet away from being nasty and stinky ....
too bad we can only get them in japan....

want something cute?

Monday, October 29, 2007

must jewelries

i always love putting together outfits and funky jewelries.
so far this chunky chain necklace is my no1!
*this is the necklace designed by rei yanase, i talked about it a few days ago
i sold them most at my shop , too
i cannot live without it. love it love it love it
it can turn simple out fit into totally different look:)

model: jen
outfit: la pistil
make up: gemina
photography: jaymie

Thursday, October 25, 2007

yerba mate tea

I went to Kiehl's training class two weeks ago, and they talked about yerba mate products.
my co-workers form south America, said it has so many vitamins and minerals!!
it contains 24 vitamins and minerals (including vitamins A, C, E, B-1, and B-2), 15 amino acids, and 11 polyphenols (powerful anti-oxidants). WOW!
People in South America drink it as tea. it will give you energy, help good digestion and good mood.
One day I was drained and couldn't do anything so the yerba mate tea, oh my god!! it worked amazingly.
I'm totally hooked on.
I got it from organic yerba mate tea bags from GNC and it was only 7 bucks.
I don't need caffeine any more to boost up my energy
gives me gooooood #2, too

Monday, October 22, 2007

rei yanase

rei yanase, she is another great jewelry designer from tokyo.
her chunky chain necklace is my and customer's favorite.
she has an interesting history as a jewelry designer.
she used to be a theater jewelry designer and launched her own line in 2005.
i feel so lucky i could meet her at her first appearance at the "rooms tokyo"
*can't upload pic due to error...
i will do it later

Friday, October 19, 2007

fall sale~

my online jewelry shop has started fall sale!!!
selected items are 30% off
most of them are from designer Yukiko Nakamura from Tokyo
Her design is very unique and she has good craftsmanship.
The price point is little higher than my other merchandise, but all her jewelries have timeless design.
when I fist saw her jewelries at "rooms" trade show in Tokyo last year, i just fell in love with them.
I almost felt fate when i met her jewelries!!
So this sale is not because they are old or bad, I want more people to have chances to buy them at the affordable prices.
check them out now!!
*the pic shows draws by Yukiko Nakamura beautiful leather flower necklace and earrings.
inspired by Hawaii